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Pixel Tracking Issue

Manual pixing is showing on our website, however in the actual code the pixel is no where to be found. So we can't remove the pixel from the coding as it's not being shown in the code of our website. This is causing many events tracking errors.

Вопрос задан около 3 нед. назад
Выбранный ответ

👋 Hello Dan, I already watched your website and Pixel. You use app for your pixel setup. That's why you didn't remove your pixel. you know when you use app for pixel tracking that's time you didn't optimize any event so it is impossible to fix this problem. if you use google tag manager for pixel tracking that's tiim you optimize your pixel and fix this problem.

Google Tag Manager is a conversion and event-tracking setup tool. GTM doesn’t just collect data; it also offers flexibility in how you track, control, and manage events. For instance, rather than adding code for every event like pageView, AddToCart, ViewItem, and Purchase, GTM lets you set up custom “triggers” that specify when certain actions should be tracked, making data collection efficient and precise.

So If you want to fix this problem you must be use Google Tag Manager. This is your pixel tracking app: https://prnt.sc/_0sWQeJsIJWh

If you need any help feel free to message me: 👉 https://web.facebook.com/nurumiah016

1 ноября в 01:44
MD Nuru