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Threads app intercepting oauth URL


In our Android pp we are launching the threads oauth flow using the system browser, with the URL of "". If the threads app is installed, the app is intercepting this URL and stopping us from launching this in the system browser. The app should not be intercepting this URL, similar to how the Facebook/Instagram apps do not interfere with their corresponding oauth URLs

Đã hỏi khoảng 5 tháng trước

Turning off the "Open by Default" link settings for the Threads app fixes this and prevents the threads app from opening during this OAuth flow. However, the app should not be intercepting this URL, similar to how the Facebook/Instagram apps do not interfere with their corresponding oauth URLs.

10 tháng 7 lúc 03:28

The above only works if you want your Threads app to open in the browser. There's no way to force this on users that OAuth into your app. Essentially, OAuth doesn't work in Android phones as long as you have the Threads app installed. Needs attention from Meta.

29 tháng 7 lúc 07:35