
Hi, I am trying to add my website pixel in order to run meta ads and for some reason its not allowing me to.

Asked about 4 months ago
Selected Answer

👋 Hello Jade, I understand all your problems. As you may know, there are lots of ways to setup Facebook Pixel and Conversion API Tracking on website 1. Manually code 2. Partner Integration 3. PixelYourSite 4. Woocommerce Plugin 5. Meta & Instagram app 6. Google Tag Manager

The most popular event-tracking tool here is Google Tag Manager. If you want to send accurate data to your advertising platform or analytics platform. Also If you want to optimize your ad then Google Tag Manager is the best.

Check my setup and It is working pretty good👉 https://dev-freelancer-nurumiah016.pantheonsite.io/facebook-pixel-conversion-api-tracking

June 9 at 12:14 AM
MD Nuru

If you want to setup pixels properly and increase product sales by retargeting and remarketing through accurate data or generate loyal customers. Then definitely follow facebook registration and setup facebook pixel and conversion API. Facebook pixel Requerment 👉 https://www.facebook.com/business/help/1021909254506499

Facebook Conversion API Tracking 👉 https://developers.facebook.com/docs/marketing-api/conversions-api/guides/gtm-server-side/

Did you setup Meta pixel using partner integration?

June 9 at 12:16 AM
MD Nuru