Clarification on Maximum Image Resolution for Graph API Photo Uploads


I have reviewed the official documentation but couldn't find specific details regarding the maximum image resolution allowed for photo uploads.

Recently, I attempted to upload an image with a file size of 1.15 MiB and a resolution of 8528x12057 pixels using the endpoint https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/page/photos/. However, I received the following error message:

{"error":{"code":100,"error_subcode":1366046,"error_user_msg":"写真をアップロードできませんでした。アップロードする写真は4 MB以下で、フォーマットはJPG、PNG、GIF、TIFF、HEIF、WebPのいずれかを使用してください。","error_user_title":"ファイルを読み込めませんでした","fbtrace_id":"AfZjNB_cDEdWgOPrVHqzS7q","is_transient":false,"message":"Invalid parameter","type":"OAuthException"}}

Could anyone provide clarity on the following point:

  1. What is the maximum image resolution supported when uploading photos via the Graph API?

Thank you!

星野 久人
已發問 約 6 個月前