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Deeplinks are not working on Android Instagram Browser

We noticed recently the deeplinks we've added too Instagram stories doesn't work as intended. It opens the in-app browser, attempt to redirects but breaks during the process. the user is stuck in a white screen.

After doing some digging into this, we found out that Instagram in-app browser doesn't seem to support launching intent:// URLs.

This issue isn't happening on iOS, the same deeplinks works perfectly when clikced on iOS Instagram app

Is this a bug or an intentional change from Instagram? How can we fix this?


Ditanyakan sekitar 3 minggu yang lalu

Having the same issue here, it seems to be a widespread issue at the moment, wondering if it's a feature or a bug; My guess is that it's a feature to allow Meta to keep users in the in-app browser and collect more data about where users are being sent to. Having said that it's a massive problem for anyone running ads with 3 party app integrations.

29 Oktober pukul 06.08
Jawaban yang Dipilih

Found the same to be on Facebook as well. Somehow all the links are not opening apps as they should instead its just stuck inside the in-app browser.

30 Oktober pukul 13.38