Some page tokens will not return comments (#200) Missing Permissions

Using the below end point my page token returns posts from the page:{PAGEID}/feed?fields=id,created_time,message,status_type,from,place,picture,attachments&limit=100&access_token={TOKEN}

If I then take the post id from this return and try and get comments for it using the following end point I am getting (#200) Missing Permissions.{POSTID}/comments?limit=100&fields=created_time,from,comment_count,message,attachment&access_token={TOKEN}&order=chronological

But I am not being told what permissions are missing, and why I cannot get comments. This is also not always the case, this exact scenario works in many other cases, so there is an issue somewhere with the access of the user/page, rather than my process..... But I have no idea what, or how to find out.

If I look at the permission in the access token using the token access debugger tool, we have the following: pages_show_list, business_management, pages_read_engagement, pages_read_user_content, pages_manage_posts, public_profile

and my understanding from reading the documentation is that I just need this one: pages_read_user_content to read comments.

I am so confused.

Any help or suggestions of things I can try would be greatly appreciated. if only the error was more useful, and told me what I was missing, I could have a better idea of how to fix.

Thanks in advance

質問日時: 約4ヶ月前