Sebagian Tidak Bisa Diaksesshare-external
"The player is not currently authorized." in new instant game

We just passed review for Instant Games and our game is now approved and published globally for Play Lab. However, we are facing a critical issue. All users who are not added as app admin, developer, or tester in app roles can't start the game.

There's a permission dialog, and after clicking on "Play with Facebook," the game won't start. The call to 'FBInstant.initializeAsync()' returns an error saying "The player is not currently authorized." Even after refreshing, the same issue occurs.

Does anyone knows how to fix this?

Ditanyakan sekitar 5 bulan yang lalu

You found a solution for this? I see many recently released games are not working.

15 Juli pukul 06.54
Jawaban yang Dipilih

Go to app permissions page and make sure you have "Advanced Access" for the gaming_profile and gaming_user_picture permissions.

6 Juli pukul 14.06