Instagram Webhook notifications not coming


We have an issue with our Facebook App "Rox.Chat". Currently our Facebook App has no Advanced Access on all required permissions to use Webhooks. Advanced Access is missing on these permissions: instagram_basic, instagram_manage_messages. We are trying to test our integration with Instagram direct messages so we could submit our app for app review.

The issue is that we don't get new message notifications via Instagram Webhook when someone sends a direct message to the Instagram account. The setup is as follows:

In the app settings the subscription to the 'messages' field for Instagram is enabled. Test requests to our Webhook URL are successful. The Instagram account is connected with the page The user has Admin role on the page. The user has Tester role in the app. The user is logged in via our App with the following permissions: pages_manage_metadata, pages_read_engagement, pages_messaging, instagram_basic, instagram_manage_messages, pages_show_list. How could we solve the issue?

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The same is happening in our case where we are requesting for instagram_basic and instagram_manage_comments permissions, did you find any solution?

‏١ يوليو‏‏١:٤٨ ص‏111