Graph API call not retrieving all users in Business Center

For one of our applications, we are using the Graph API to retrieve all the users from the Business Center, there should be at least 10 active users, and we only get 1. We have confirmed the token works as expected, and we have done this same implementation with other apps.

Query and result below:

==== Query curl -i -X GET \ "https://graph.facebook.com/v18.0/106554870362459/business_users?access_token=" ==== Access Token Info { "perms": [ "catalog_management", "pages_show_list", "ads_management", "business_management", "pages_read_engagement", "pages_manage_metadata", "public_profile" ], "user_id": "122101673606543857", "app_id": 1084910789409157 } ==== Parameters - Query Parameters

{} - POST Parameters

{} ==== Response { "data": [ { "id": "122110170986412839", "name": "Melaina Steig", "business": { "id": "106554870362459", "name": "Medtronic Diabetes" }, "role": "ADMIN" }, { "id": "122130825542347276", "name": "Jade Hines", "business": { "id": "106554870362459", "name": "Medtronic Diabetes" }, "role": "ADMIN" } ], "paging": "--sanitized--", "debug": { "messages": [ { "link": "https://developers.facebook.com/docs/apps/versions/", "message": "The app tried to call version v18.0. This app can only call versions v19.0 and higher, so the request defaulted to version v19.0.", "type": "warning" } ] } } ==== Debug Information from Graph API Explorer - https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer/?method=GET&path=106554870362459%2Fbusiness_users&version=v18.0

Saved session: https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer/1237502223450771/?session_id=527485890000896

Can you please advise what could be wrong?


Azul Cerby
質問日時: 約2ヶ月前

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