Permission Verification - Cannot submit 'Must include pages_read_engagement'

I have been trying to submit my permission request and included a video and description of how I would use 'Page_Manage_Posts', but it is telling me I am missing 'pages_read_engagement' when I have included this in my video and description.

Does anyone know why it won't let me proceed? I can't figure out what is missing.

Enviada hace 7 meses aproximadamente
Respuesta seleccionada


Finally figured out I needed to go back into App Review --> Permissions and Features and request advance access to 'pages_read_engagement', which wasn't selected before.

When I requested access, the information I previously inputted into 'How will your app use the advance access 'pages_read_engagement', was removed so I had to start from scratch.

Recommend saving all your responses prior to requesting advance access.

7 de abril a las 7:58