We limit how often you can post, comment or do other things in a given amount of time in order to help protect the community from spam

Hello facebook why this issue taking too much to be fixed the limit didn’t change still pages stop the api for 24 hours then they enabled it and just like they get 100 or 200 comments even with random time deley still get the error limit

Please can you make it like before before march of this year was normal

Please am losing my clients and my business we have been waiting for you to fix this error limit or give any info about if the product team add any new limit and how much the limit now

Because i cant leave my clients stop api call 24 hour every time they get this limit issue

Please fix ir i have user pay +1000$ on faceboom ads and they want comment reply api chatbot so there user get more engaged

And Its limited per page or per user account token just please we need a fix facebook?

And you close the case amd the issue not fixed


Posée il y a environ 2 mois