Sebagian Tidak Bisa Diaksesshare-external
The callback URL or verify token couldn't be validated. Please verify the provided information or try again later Error

Hello Guys I'm getting this error: The callback URL or verify token couldn't be validated. Please verify the provided information or try again later. When i try to connect the webhook's callback URL I tested this url in postman and it's wokring fine but when i try to use it in the whatsapp quickstart configuration i'm getting that error.

Ditanyakan sekitar 5 bulan yang lalu
Jawaban yang Dipilih

I think there is a problem with ngrok, The way i solved it is by creating a tunnel directly using visual studio, there is an option to create one: I'm using Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022 (64-bit) Version 17.8.2 - Go to arrow beside your project name where u click to run the project - You will see in the list devTunnels, click on it and then create a tunnel - then they will generate a static url for you to use it with your local machine. Thank you.

10 Juni pukul 23.49
Jawaban yang Dipilih

Hello ! I am presenting the same problem with an ngrok url, do you know if it is only with ngrok?

10 Juni pukul 14.14
DjToush Javier Ignacio

with the production url, it works, but when i try to use ngrok for development i'm facing this issue. trying to use other localTunnels to check if its only with ngrok

10 Juni pukul 22.51