Facebook hitting our webshop too aggressively. What to do?

We are seeing a ton of requests/minute from the Facebook crawler with the following User Agent:

facebookexternalhit/1.1 (+http://www.facebook.com/externalhit_uatext.php)"

We have 1.200 - 1.300 products wich don not include a Facebook "Like" button, so we do non expect any traffic from this agent.

The volume has skyrocketed the past 2 days and our shops are very slow now.

Please help!

Asked about 2 weeks ago

This is happening to our site as well. We recently started an advertising campaign through Facebook and decided to shut it down but it didn't fix the issue. Currently blocking facebook with devistating results. I wish Facebook would do something about this. Very frustrated with Facebook Support.

May 10 at 9:11 AM