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Need Help with ads_management Permission After App Review

Hello Facebook Developers Community,

I'm encountering issues with obtaining ads_management permission for my app after a recent app review. Despite setting up the necessary scopes and permissions during the review process, I'm unable to access this permission. Additionally, when attempting to request permissions and features through the developer dashboard, I'm redirected to use cases that do not address my specific needs.


App Type: Business App Issue Description: Problem: Unable to obtain ads_management permission. Observation: Clicking on "Request Permissions and Features" redirects me to unrelated use cases.

Could someone from the community please guide me on how to properly request and obtain ads_management, catalog_management, and commerce_account_manage_orders permissions post-app review? Any insights or steps to resolve this issue would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your assistance!

Pregunta realizada hace aproximadamente 5 meses

Please I need help to resolve this issue.

14 de junio a las 11:59 p. m.