Custom Conversion stopped collecting signals without any changes from our side - how can we fix this?

We are detecting Pixel Issues. As content_name is not provided anymore our campaigns stopped running properly. How can we fix it?

Sven O
Gefragt vor etwa 4 Monaten
Ausgewählte Antwort


👋 Hello Sven, If you want to solve this problem, first of all you need to know which method you have applied to setup the Facebook pixel.

As you may know, there are lots of ways to setup Facebook Pixel and Conversion API Tracking on the website 1. Manually code 2. Partner Integration 3. PixelYourSite 4. Woocommerce Plugin 4. Google Tag Manager

The most popular event-tracking tool here is Google Tag Manager. If you want to send accurate data to your advertising platform or analytics platform. Also If you want to optimize your ad then Google Tag Manager is the best. Check my setup and It is working pretty good👉

Facebook pixel Requerment 👉

Facebook Conversion API Tracking 👉

Did you use Google Tag Manager for Facebook pixel setup? What is your CMS Shopify, WordPress or others?

5. Juli um 07:17
MD Nuru