Have you faced an issue where Instagram API returns different data than it shows in Instagram Insights?

I have a problem with the below endpoints

GET https://graph.facebook.com/v18.0/{ig-media-id}/insights ?metric=reach,impressions,likes &access_token={access-token}

https://graph.facebook.com/v18.0/17841458794300478/media?fields=id,media_type,media_product_type,media_url,insights.metric(impressions,reach,saved)&limit=10000 &access_token={access-token}

Have you faced an issue where Instagram API returns different data than it shows in Instagram Insights?

We get one set of numbers from the API, and then different ones are displayed in IG Insights. And the differences are pretty big.

質問日時: 約5ヶ月前

Same problem here...and Meta does not give any response..

11月7日 7:37