부분 중단share-external
Application URL Lock

Good day! After I filed an appeal and described the changes I made to my app - my app was unlocked and fully restored to my Meta Developers account. I cooperate with the agency and requested them to provide ad accounts for my application, but was rejected with the following reason - Your application was auto rejected by system (Reason provided: Your business is not allowed to request a new ad account because your app has previously violated our policies). I sincerely hope this is a mistake as I have made edits to my application and received a reply on 20.05.2024 that all restrictions on my application have been lifted. Could you please tell me where to write? Thank you very much

질문함 약 5개월 전
선택한 답변

I am asking you very much to help me in solving my problem

6월 24일 오전 7:19