SaaS: How to create an Ad Account per Software User? (Problem: Ad Creation Limit)

Hello, we are building a Software as a Service similar to The user should be able to publish an ad from within the software.

What we want to achieve - Each user has an Ad Account so if there is a problem with their ad account, it doesn't negatively affect ads of other software users. - Invoicing: We need to be able to retrieve invoices for the spent ad budget and send them to the user. It's easiest if each user has their own ad account.

Problem - Our ad creation limit, however, is 20, which is not enough since we expect to have hundreds of users.

What we've tried - We contacted Facebook support and asked if they would increase the limit, but they declined.

Possible Solution - Would it be feasible to create a Business Manager and Ad Account per user? However, we would need to be in full control of this Business Manager and Ad Account.

Question - Do you have any other ideas on how we can achieve this?

Asked about 3 months ago