Sebagian Tidak Bisa Diaksesshare-external
Product sets not appearing on whatsapp catalog

I am using the WhatsApp Business platform and have created a catalog using Commerce Manager, which is connected to my WhatsApp Business Account. I have successfully created sets/collections in my catalog using the documentation provided, but I do not see an option to 'publish' these changes so that they appear on WhatsApp.

How can we create and publish sets for WhatsApp? Additionally, the publish_to_shops function requires shop IDs. Where can I find a shop ID for my WhatsApp catalog, as the WhatsApp Business Account (WABA) ID does not seem to be considered a shop ID?

How can we create categories on the WhatsApp catalog using the WhatsApp Business API?

Pedro Pablo
Ditanyakan sekitar 6 bulan yang lalu
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same issue, any updates?

24 Oktober pukul 05.24

Any solution Yousef?

20 November pukul 06.24

Same issue 🙁, please help!

18 November pukul 06.05