Partial Outageshare-external
Instagram Followers

Subject: Issue with Instagram API - Follower Metrics and Business Discovery Error

Hello Facebook Support Team,

I'm experiencing issues with the Instagram API while attempting to retrieve insights for follower metrics. I am using the following endpoint:

GET{api-version}/{ig-user-id}/insights ?metric=<COMMA_SEPARATED_LIST_OF_METRICS> &period= &timeframe={timeframe} &metric_type={metric-type} &breakdown={breakdown} &since=<START_TIME> &until=<STOP_TIME> &access_token=<INSTAGRAM_USER_ACCESS_TOKEN> Despite following the documentation, I'm not receiving the expected follower data in the response. I've set up a session for this request, which you can view here:

Additionally, I tried using this endpoint for business discovery:

bash Copy code GET /<YOUR_APP_USERS_IG_USER_ID>/business_discovery However, I'm encountering an error that states:

(#100) Invalid edge (business_discovery) on node type (ShadowIGUser) You can also review this session here:

Could you help investigate why the follower metrics are not being returned and why the business discovery endpoint is producing this error? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

Best regards,

Asked about 3 weeks ago


October 31 at 11:32 AM