Interrupción parcialshare-external
Instagram Conversations API returning 500-level http response and transient error since 2024-10-05

Since 2024-10-05, the Instagram Graph API{id}/conversations endpoint has been returning 500-level http responses and the following error response:

    "error": {
        "message": "Service temporarily unavailable",
        "type": "IGApiException",
        "is_transient": true,
        "code": 2,
        "fbtrace_id": "AmYmRjXaIJF_mYvLqRtZH3A"

Has anyone else been experiencing this problem? I tried to file a bug report but was blocked from doing so by some automated spam-prevention protections (which is wild, since I have never created a bug report on this support forum before).

If you look at the attached screenshot, you can see the same API call succeeding on 2024-10-04 and then failing on 2024-10-05 with no changes to our source code. This is creating a major issue for a production application and I cannot find any useful information on what might be the issue. All status pages say that there are no problems with the Graph API. The is_transient: true in the error message (in addition to the 5xx level HTTP status code) leads me to believe that this is an ongoing outage that the IG graph API is experiencing.

Any assistance/guidance that the community can provide would be greatly appreciated, this issue is blocking a major milestone for my product and would require a relatively large refactor to migrate to another implementation.

S Alan
Enviada hace 2 meses aproximadamente

same issue since 2 days ago

getting the same error, was working previously

{"error":{"message":"Service temporarily unavailable","type":"IGApiException","is_transient":true,"code":2,"fbtrace_id":"A8zPu4AlKHnFOSb5JbLjPaS"}}
x-fb-request-id: A8zPu4AlKHnFOSb5JbLjPaS
x-fb-trace-id: AxX6UmpsRap
6 de octubre a las 10:34