Chicken and Egg: How to provide a screen cast for an application that requires permission?

We want to offer to the users of our platform the option to create Structured Financial Products by using an AI chatbot via Whatsapp. For us to integrate and debug our service we need the webhooks to work but apparently for them to work we need to get our app approved( and this is another issue because our app doesn't intergrade with facebook at all). For getting approved we need to provide a ton of verifications like business registration etc but the one we are stuck is that they require an end to end screecast. I could understand this to be required for getting live but for developing and testing that is the phase you don't have it done and it will not be done if it requires permissions that you can't get.

It kind seems to me that Meta regretted offering Whatsapp directly and they want us to go back to services like Twillio.

Is there a way to bypass this or a way to make webhooks work?

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