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How can I get the conversion data like "onsite_web_purchase" with action_report_time=impression parameter?

I collect the ads data with Insigths Api. When I add "action_report_time=impression" parameter, I couldn't get conversion datas occured in website or offsite like [onsite_web_purchase, onsite_web_add_to_cart, initiate_checkout ... more]. Furthermore, I increase the time range and post that api, i couldn't get those coversion type datas. However,When I delete that parameter, or change "action_report_time" parameter value to conversion I could get those data correctly.

According to your Marketing Api document, when I inscrease the time range when I add action_report_time=impression, I should any data. Can you explain why I could'nt get get conversion datas occured in website or offsite when I add action_report_time=impression ?

Pregunta realizada hace aproximadamente 5 meses