BUG: Creator Accounts are showing as NULL for professional accounts and unable to connect

Our app requires users to connect their Instagram.

We do this using the FB LoginManager. But what we're finding is some users are struggling to connect despite having all the necessary requirements (Creator/Business Instagram account with a connected Facebook Page).

And what we've noticed for all these users having inspected the graphql response on their Instagram profile is their Instagram Account is showing as having the correct Account Type for Creator ("account_type": 3)

BUT they are ALL showing as "is_professional_account": null so we feel this has to be the issue.

Whereas if we compare this to users who are able to connect then they all show as "is_professional_account": true

Can you advise on how to handle this?

We've tried getting them to convert their Instagram back to a Personal Account but they are reluctant given this can cause issue.

And it's impossible for us to recreate.

Chiesta circa 3 mesi fa