How to set a Meta App to live Mode for Threads API?

I created a Threads API app, I have spent quite some time reviewing documentation and researching but cannot seem to figure out how to set it Live. It is currently stuck in development mode.

Can someone help?

Asked about a week ago
Selected Answer

I found the solution, there is a "Become a tech provider" button at the bottom of the Dashboard page. Click on it to get your Publish button and other details enabled.

June 29 at 10:08 AM
Selected Answer

To set a Meta App to Live Mode for the Threads API, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Meta for Developers:

  2. Select Your App:

    • Choose your app from the "My Apps" dropdown.
  3. Complete App Review:

    • Ensure your app has the necessary permissions approved in the "App Review" section.
  4. Fill Out Basic Information:

    • Go to "Settings" > "Basic" and fill out required fields (e.g., Display Name, Contact Email, Privacy Policy URL).
  5. Make App Public:

    • In "Settings" > "Basic," switch the "In Development" toggle to "Live".
  6. Verify Business (if required):

    • Complete business verification if needed for certain permissions.

Your app should now be in Live Mode, ready for use with the Threads API.

June 29 at 6:05 AM


Thanks for the response, however, the Threads app does not have the "App Review" section.

June 29 at 6:10 AM

Also, the Basic settings page does not have Development / Live mode toggle. This toggle is not found anywhere.

Could this be achieved programmatically ?

Not sure how others have done this...

June 29 at 6:12 AM

AI meta answer everything

June 30 at 1:49 AM

Go to the testing tab/section, make sure you did complete testing for the permissions your app requires.

June 29 at 9:49 AM


Testing has been completed and all marked good.

June 29 at 9:51 AM

So which status you see under Use cases > Access the Threads API > Permissions?

June 29 at 10:05 AM

Funny enough all permissions show Ready for testing.

However, there is no Advanced permissions request or review...

June 29 at 10:23 AM

But we already completed tests

June 29 at 10:24 AM

Clicking on the Ready for testing goes to testing page, however all completed.

June 29 at 10:25 AM

App review page shows this:

Status: Draft Last Edited by: Paul Onu Pending requests: threads_manage_replies, threads_content_publish, threads_basic

With and Edit button

I am wondering if this requires review?

June 29 at 10:27 AM

Oh, if that’s your actual question: Yes, it does require review.

June 29 at 10:39 AM

Okay great. Thanks

June 29 at 10:42 AM