Marketing API - act_<ad_account>/adimages endpoint always errors out via facebook-business python sdk

We are facing the below error consistently from the last many weeks for only one adaccount. The invoking for this API is similar for all the adaccounts ( where it is succeeding ) via python facebook-business sdk.

""" Message: Call was not successful Method: GET Path:<ad_account>/adimages Params: {'limit': 30, 'fields': 'hash,permalink_url,original_height,original_width,status,account_id', 'summary': 'true', 'after': 'MTIwMjE1MjE5NjEzNjkwMzMz'}

Status: 500 Response: { "error": { "code": 1, "message": "Please reduce the amount of data you're asking for, then retry your request" } } """

When checking with the Business support, we were told its implementation issue. Could not get that part, as the same implementation works fine for the other ad accounts. And we were getting back this same reply from the business support. The other metadata and summary endpoints works for the same adaccounts. Interestingly from the curl or from the graph explorer too it works . Anybody faced any similar issue. Thanks.

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