Ngừng hoạt động một phầnshare-external
Error When Using featureType: ‘only_waba_sharing’ in WhatsApp Business Embedded Registration

I’m encountering an issue when attempting to use the featureType: "only_waba_sharing" property in the embedded registration process for WhatsApp Business. According to the documentation, this property should prevent the phone number from being requested during the registration process. However, in my registration flow, I’m still prompted to enter the phone number.

My questions are as follows:

  • Is it possible that I need additional permissions to use this property correctly?
  • Has there been any update or change to the featureType: "only_waba_sharing" property that might be affecting its functionality?

I would greatly appreciate any guidance or shared experiences. Thank you for your assistance!

Jesus Salvador
Đã hỏi khoảng 8 tháng trước