Why can't you call fbq('init') with new Advanced Matching parameters for the second time

We have a problem using Meta Pixel with advanced matching parameters in our single-page application. The problem lies in the fact that we cannot initialize Pixel multiple times (call fbq(‘init’) method) - we’d simply get an error in the console and the previous version of initialized Pixel would remain the active one. Our scenario is the following: at first the customers perform the signup on our website and from that we know several data points that can be sent alongside with «CompleteRegistration» standard event through advanced matching parameters - namely «email», «external_id» and «country». Later on customers complete PII and we start sending «PageView» and «Purchase» events, but at this point it’s no longer possible to update advanced matching parameters list with newly gathered information. Is there any possibility we can call fbq(’init’) with advanced matching parameters multiple times? We are aware that there’s a possibility to perform 2 ‘init’ methods - first being without advanced matching parameters and the second with advanced matching parameters, but we don’t want to make sacrifices during «CompleteRegistration» event sending.

Вопрос задан около 3 мес. назад