How to get buttons to render correctly in instagram messenger on desktop?

I'm trying to get a bot to send a message that contains buttons on Instagram. I first started out trying to use Generic Templates but discovered as per the documentation that they are not supported on desktop. https://developers.facebook.com/docs/messenger-platform/instagram/features/generic-template

Instead what happens is the button doesn't render on desktop and a message "No longer available" is displayed. However if I refresh the page, then a button does display but it contains the text "Get Updates" instead of the text I supplied.

Given that Generic templates are not supported, I decided to look at Button Templates. The docs for button templates don't have any disclaimer about it not being supported on desktop so I would expect it to work but they don't https://developers.facebook.com/docs/messenger-platform/instagram/features/button-template

Basically I see the same issue with button templates. The button doesn't render, instead the "No longer available" message is shown, but if I refresh the screen then a button with the static text "Get Updates" is displayed.

The example request body I'm making is as follows:

    "message": {
        "attachment": {
            "type": "template",
            "payload": {
                "template_type": "button",
                "text": "this is some text",
                "buttons": [
                        "type": "postback",
                        "title": "Learn More",
                        "payload": "..." // stuff specific to my application
    "recipient": {
        "id": "1234567890"

Both Generic and Button Templates work perfectly fine on the app, but neither seem to work on desktop and I feel like I've run out of options. Would appreciate if anyone's had any luck and can give pointers. Thanks

已發問 約 10 個月前

I have the same problem. Managed to solve?

4月8日 15:43

I am seeing the same problem. Is there any update on this?

6月8日 16:26

Same issue here.

7月9日 16:32

Same problem here, but i have seen at least 1 pltaform that renders a message, saying to open in app, and only renders that message on desktop, but so far no luck to find that on docs

7月22日 10:33