How to get buttons to render correctly in instagram messenger on desktop?

I'm trying to get a bot to send a message that contains buttons on Instagram. I first started out trying to use Generic Templates but discovered as per the documentation that they are not supported on desktop.

Instead what happens is the button doesn't render on desktop and a message "No longer available" is displayed. However if I refresh the page, then a button does display but it contains the text "Get Updates" instead of the text I supplied.

Given that Generic templates are not supported, I decided to look at Button Templates. The docs for button templates don't have any disclaimer about it not being supported on desktop so I would expect it to work but they don't

Basically I see the same issue with button templates. The button doesn't render, instead the "No longer available" message is shown, but if I refresh the screen then a button with the static text "Get Updates" is displayed.

The example request body I'm making is as follows:

    "message": {
        "attachment": {
            "type": "template",
            "payload": {
                "template_type": "button",
                "text": "this is some text",
                "buttons": [
                        "type": "postback",
                        "title": "Learn More",
                        "payload": "..." // stuff specific to my application
    "recipient": {
        "id": "1234567890"

Both Generic and Button Templates work perfectly fine on the app, but neither seem to work on desktop and I feel like I've run out of options. Would appreciate if anyone's had any luck and can give pointers. Thanks

Enviada hace 10 meses aproximadamente

I have the same problem. Managed to solve?

8 de abril a las 15:43

I am seeing the same problem. Is there any update on this?

8 de junio a las 16:26

Same issue here.

9 de julio a las 16:32

Same problem here, but i have seen at least 1 pltaform that renders a message, saying to open in app, and only renders that message on desktop, but so far no luck to find that on docs

22 de julio a las 10:33