Teilweiser Ausfallshare-external
Including media_url causes error on "some" accounts, but not all?

I've been looking around and haven't found mention of this "bug" in a bit. It seems to be similar to this ticket here: https://developers.facebook.com/support/bugs/600724068502172/.

Essentially, some of our users can't use the Instagram basic API even though they have gone through all the procedures of removing authentication, re-connecting ,etc... When I test their access token directly, it appears all the fields work except media_url. This is for the endpoint : https://developers.facebook.com/docs/instagram-basic-display-api/reference/media

We are approved for all the basic instagram permissions(instagram_graph_user_profile, and instagram_graph_user_media) and have our business verified. Most use cases work, but there are occasional users that can't connect to download their media.

I'm wondering if their account is flagged or something? The HTTP error isn't very helpful, so I'm not really sure where to go from here. It appears the only way to contact meta support is via this community forum. Hopefully somebody from Meta is monitoring this, because we don't have any actionable steps to unblock this user.

Thank you in advance.

    "error": {
        "message": "Unsupported request - method type: get",
        "type": "IGApiException",
        "code": 100,
        "fbtrace_id": "AIj4Hm4NREKEBpGJOBRdfS3"
Gefragt vor etwa 5 Monaten
Ausgewählte Antwort

Same problem. Pops up with no apparent rhyme or reason for a subset of accounts.

1. Juli um 17:58

Jip, same issue here and no way to report to Meta.

17. Juni um 02:05

It's a bummer. I wish the error were more helpful. "unsupported request"??? Lol

17. Juni um 11:04

Same problem here for some random account. Very frustrating.

20. Juni um 03:57