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Threads app: redirect_uri and authorization fails

I'm trying to create a simple app that will post text and text/images to Threads; I'm using the resources on these websites: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/threads/get-started/get-access-tokens-and-permissions/ and https://blog.disane.dev/en/threads-api-is-here/ and there is good overlap between them. Most of the procedures seem quite straightforward.

In App Settings->Basic, I've put a link to my privacy policy on my website and uploaded an icon but touched nothing else, (including namespace) on the basics or advanced pages

In Use cases->Customize I've put callbacks in the relevant locations.

I'm trying to gain an authorisation code using the following URL: ( I've removed the client ID below and have denoted my website by xxxx )


However, when I run this, I get redirected to my threads account but I get no authorisation prompt or code value returned. I have tried various combinations of the Redirect Callback URL both in the Use cases and in the call to threads.net above -

https://www.xxxx.com/threadscallback/index.php https://www.xxxx.com/threadscallback/ https://www.xxxx.com/threadscallback

None of them work. I haven't submitted my app for review as I cannot find a way to do this. I don't have anything listed in "required actions" and I'm not a "tech provider" or run a business so I'm pretty sure that I don't need to have a Meta review.

질문함 약 4개월 전

A small breakthrough, but it doesn't help much. Now when I run the authorize url I get the following: {"error_message":"Invalid Request: The user has not accepted the invite to test the app","error_code":1349245} But the user (me) hasn't received any invite!

7월 25일 오후 2:21
선택한 답변

@Paul Any update? I encountered the same error.

8월 13일 오전 12:16
Tadamasa Kimura

are you fixed this ?

9월 11일 오후 4:04

I encountered the same error.

10월 8일 오후 6:55
Fanqiang Meng

I am also encountering the same error. I also tried to set the redirect url, but it is not allowing me to save the form. Bad. https://developers.facebook.com/community/threads/1074314380907557/?post_id=1074314384240890

10월 13일 오전 2:08

No, no luck. I've given up on this.

10월 21일 오후 11:10

i am having same issue trying to save redirect call back URL ... but not working .. and can not save at all...

10월 23일 오전 1:54

Make sure you invite your threads account in the Roles tab

10월 24일 오전 10:50