Application Rate Limit

Hello, In the documentation, it is written : ". The total number of calls your app can make per hour is 200 times the number of users."

How are exactly users defined ? If I have an application using the Public Page Access to get public data, how can I get more users in order my rate limit be increased ? Is a developer user added to the application or in anyway I have to get some facebook users to be logged through my application ?

Thanks in advance for your answer

Asked about 7 months ago
Selected Answer

Most likely you can't if you just use that feature and users do not need to login in to your app.

June 4 at 5:41 AM

thank Lars for the quick answer. Last precision, should users log-in frequently or it would be enough to find some people to be logged only once to my application ?

June 4 at 5:53 AM

I suggest you try the rate limiting docs first. All details are explained there and nobody here knows any of your app details like what type of token you even use.

June 4 at 5:54 AM