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API error

I'm making a request to the following API

curl -i -X ​​POST " ?recipient: { comment_id: COMMENT-ID } &message: { "text": "Thanks for reaching out, how can I help?" } &access_token=PAGE-ACCESS-TOKEN"

But I'm getting the error that is being seen on the screenshot. How to fix it?

Ditanyakan sekitar 5 bulan yang lalu
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Your screenshot doesn't show you actually do provide an access token.

13 Juni pukul 05.03
Christianny Kelly

Postman allows meta tokens to be sent privately via Authorization, that must not be the problem

13 Juni pukul 05.25

Implement the call as you would implement it later on or use the Graph API Explorer instead to make that test call.

13 Juni pukul 05.26