Is It possible to filter campaigns by stop time?

Hi Meta. I've developed an application in which we're fetching campaign data and insights from the adsets. It works fine, but for some clients, it takes too much time to list the insights of a campaign's adsets from their account because they have lots of adsets created for the particular campaigns.

So, I only need the campaigns where the stop_time (field) is greater than the last_15_day_date. However, when I filter the request like this, I'm not getting the stop_time field in response, and there's no change after applying the stop_time filter.

Here's my api query,

{ad_account_id}/campaigns?fields=name,id,effective_status,start_time,stop_time,adsets.limit(200){name,id,status,stop_time,start_time,effective_status}&filter=[{"field":"start_time","operator":"GREATER_THAN","value":"1718755200 "}]&limit=200'

This is not working. I'm not getting the stop_time field in response; either campaign is not getting filtered with stop_time.

I've also referred to these campaign API resources, but I can't find a stop_time filter available for the campaign API.

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