I am not able to send WhatsApp flows to iOs devices but it is getting send easily to Android devices. I am getting status = 200 and I am not able to understand the issue with iOs? Someone please help me.

Sending WhatsApp flow to Android -> success -> message received Sending WhatsApp flow to iOs -> success -> message not received

Not getting any error. Read the documentation but couldn't find anything to resolve the issue.

質問日時: 約3週間前

Flow_json: { "version": "3.1", "screens": [ { "id": "RECOMMEND", "title": "Feedback 1 of 1", "data": {}, "terminal": true, "success": true, "layout": { "type": "SingleColumnLayout", "children": [ { "type": "Form", "name": "form", "children": [ { "type": "TextSubheading", "text": "Give feedback?" }, { "type": "Dropdown", "label": "Rate your experience", "name": "demo_feedback", "data-source": [ { "id": "0", "title": "★★★★★ • Excellent (5/5)" }, { "id": "1", "title": "★★★★☆ • Good (4/5)" }, { "id": "2", "title": "★★★☆☆ • Average (3/5)" }, { "id": "3", "title": "★★☆☆☆ • Poor (2/5)" }, { "id": "4", "title": "★☆☆☆☆ • Very Poor (1/5)" } ], "required": true }, { "type": "TextSubheading", "text": "How could we do better?" }, { "type": "TextArea", "label": "Leave a comment", "required": false, "name": "comment_text" }, { "type": "Footer", "label": "Submit", "on-click-action": { "name": "complete", "payload": { "demo_feedback": "${form.demo_feedback}", "comment_text": "${form.comment_text}" } } } ] } ] } } ] }

Message payload: { "recipient_type": "individual", "messaging_product": "whatsapp", "to": "TOBE_FILLED_WITH_PHONE_NUMBER", "type": "interactive", "interactive": { "type": "flow", "body": { "text": "TOBE_FILLED_WITH_FLOW_BODY" }, "footer": { "text": "TOBE_FILLED_WITH_FLOW_FOOTER" }, "action": { "name": "flow", "parameters": { "mode": "published", "flow_message_version": "3", "flow_token": "TOBE_FILLED_WITH_USER_IDENTIFIER", "flow_id": "TOBE_FILLED_WITH_FLOW_ID", "flow_cta": "TEXT_SHOWN_ON_FLOW_BUTTON", "flow_action": "navigate", "flow_action_payload": { "screen": "TOBE_FILLED_WITH_FIRST_SCREEN_ID" } } } } }

4月25日 20:46

Hello, could you please verify that you are using the latest WhatsApp version available from the App Store? Also, iOS WhatsApp client should be the primary one, not a companion to Android or another iOS.

5月2日 2:14

Thanks for the reply. I got the issue. I was sending a key with empty string value that is why it was not getting send to iOS after removing that key it was working properly.

5月2日 2:16