I'm unable to find the option to enable JavaScript SDK in my App.

I'm unable to find the JSSDK option in my setting of the App. I can see a message on login window stating "Please toggle the "Log in with JavaScript SDK" option to Yes in developers.facebook.com to use the JSSDK for Login."

Please help.

질문함 약 10개월 전
선택한 답변

Here's how you can find it:

  1. On the dashboard, find and click on the app you're working with.
  2. Look for the menu item titled "Use Cases". It’s on the left hand side of your screen.
  3. Under "Use Cases", find and click on "Authentication and Account Creation". Click on "Customize".
  4. After clicking "Customize", under the Facebook Login section, you will see Settings and right next to it, a button labeled "Go to Settings". Click on it to proceed to the settings page.
  5. Within the settings page, find the option labeled "Login with JavaScript SDK". Toggle the switch next to "Log in with JavaScript SDK" to "Yes".
  6. After enabling the JavaScript SDK option, specify at least one JSSDK host domain in the input field below.
10월 27일 오전 5:21

god bless your whole family Mike, wishing you all the best.

6월 12일 오전 4:33
Yanhong Song

Under "Use Cases", I can't find "Authentication and Account Creation", only "Get a way to log in to the game and get data from the player".

6월 14일 오전 3:02