Cannot copy adset/ad

When calling the POST /{ad_set_id}/copies endpoint to duplicate ad sets, some succeed while others fail.

Error response:

[400] Unsupported request - method type: post
  message: 'Unsupported request - method type: post',
  type: 'GraphMethodException',
  code: 100,
  fbtrace_id: 'AFYo-YLWcTmEu4KsXOZ9gOn'

My call looks like this:

400 POST****383/copies?access_token=EAA****ZD
            {"status_option":"ACTIVE","start_time":"2024-04-30 15:44:01+05:30","end_time":0,"deep_copy":true,"id":"120207839171080383"}

I found that without adding deep_copy, the duplication can be successful. But when I try to copy ad, it also results in the same error

Rick Sun
Asked about 3 weeks ago