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Cannot remove Test WhatsApp Business Account

When I click 'Delete' button in my Facebook Business settings > WhatsApp accounts, I get an error kinda 'Cannot delete because there's a phone number', even though it's just a test number. Also, cannot delete the test number, because 'Phone numbers' menu is disabled in WhatsApp Manager. Because of all this, I cannot delete my Facebook Business company. So, Meta, what's going on? How to delete this? Why do you have a 'Support' page if there is no actual info 'how to' do things?!

تم طرح السؤال منذ حوالي ‏٦‏ أشهر

same in here

‏٥ يونيو‏‏٤:١٨ ص‏111

Hello, Meta, are you struggling to answer?

‏٥ يونيو‏‏٧:٠٢ ص‏111

Me too, waiting for @Meta to respond

‏١١ أكتوبر‏‏١٠:٢٥ ص‏111
الإجابة المحددة

How to solve? Same problem here.

‏١١ نوفمبر‏‏١٢:١٨ م‏111
Luiz Paulo