Partial Outageshare-external
Video Id retrieved from Ad Creative different from the video on the ad account that is being used

When I upload a Video to an Ad Account, it has a certain ID associated with the video on the ad account, which I can use to indentify that video.

But when this Video is used on an Ad, and I retrieve the Video id from the Ad Creative associated with the Ad, I get a different id for the video. The video_id retrieved from the Ad Creative is a little similar with the original one (327841302085292 compared to 327828532086569)

I'm not sure if this is really a bug, but it's a weird behavior I think. My application needs to be able to know which videos are being used on the Ad Creatives, but this makes this task quite difficult. Is there another way I can find the id for the original video being used on the ad?


Asked about 3 years ago
Selected Answer

This doesn't offer a solution, but it does have an explanation for why this happens.

February 8 at 12:43 PM