How do I install the Interaction SDK for Oculus in Unity?

I am trying to build a project around the Poke Examples of the Interaction SDK in Unity. The Poke example is mentioned here:

I have followed the instructions on: which say to download the Interaction SDK examples from: So I went there and clicked "Purchase" but nothing happened. No download, nothing else.

I've read somewhere else that the Interaction SDK is part of the Meta All-In-One SDK which I have in my project. I can see the "Meta XR Interaction SDK" in my packages, but it doesn't contain any of the sample scenes. Only an Editor and a Runtime folder.

I wanted to post to the Oculus forums, but I am stuck in an endless loop where clicking "Start A Conversation" just takes me back to the login screen ad infinitum. I've sent a support request to Meta Store support and they suggested I post here.

At this point I am at a loss as to how to install the example scenes for my project. Any help would be appreciated.

Asked about 7 months ago

Additionally, the "Getting Started" page of the Interaction SDK tells me to download the samples from the "Meta Interaction SDK OVR Samples" package:

But my version, 59.0.0, does not have a Samples tab. Only Description, Version History, Dependencies, Images.

December 13 at 11:41 AM
Selected Answer

I figured it out. I was looking at the "Meta Interaction SDK OVR Integration" tab. I had to download the "Meta Interaction SDK OVR Samples" package from:

Then download the Samples from the package manager.

December 13 at 12:21 PM