Data for page videos is cut from specific date

We are facing strange behaviour when we are working with Graph API. We are trying to extract the list of the videos for various pages and the request returns empty after a specific date. Till this date, we can see the data. This is happening for all the pages we are trying to check. We are using the following request format: https://graph.facebook.com/v18.0/PAGE_ID?fields=videos.since(2023-06-01).until(2023-07-01)&access_token=

We have tried the same request with the same token in different time ranges and received the expected results until the mentioned date. We tried our API calls in the following versions - v.18 (original) and v19,v.20 as well and got the same behaviour.

We have tested our requests in Graph API Explorer and verified that the tokens we are using have all relevant permissions and privileges. Our issue started 2 weeks ago without any change in the way we are calling the Graph API end point. No errors received - only empty result set after the specific date.

質問日時: 約5ヶ月前

I'm experiencing this as well. I can't return the latest videos from a page.

8月29日 20:13