Sebagian Tidak Bisa Diaksesshare-external
I created a new advertising account after two accounts that were deactivated because of problems related to the pixel I want to solve the pixel problem the problem that the events are not correct and I tested the purchase event it doubles 3 times

when I launch an ads campaign the purchase results are conflated but there are really no results which is always in a learning phase

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Hi Nada, I have seen your screenshot form your attachment and realized that you may install "Conversion API" through Meta Partner Integration features.

And It sounds like there’s an issue with your Facebook Pixel firing multiple purchase events. This usually happens due to duplicated event triggers in the code or setup.

My advices will be for this: 1. Check and make sure the pixel code isn’t placed on multiple parts of the purchase confirmation page.

  1. Too Verify Event Triggers carefully Use Facebook’s Event Debugging tool to see where and how often the events are being fired.

  2. If you have additional tracking tools (like Google Tag Manager), make sure they aren’t triggering the purchase event again.

If you need help diagnosing the specific cause or cleaning up the setup, I’d be happy to jump in and assist further. Let’s get your Pixel firing correctly!

4 Oktober pukul 09.56