me/accounts API is not working in v17.0

me/accounts API returned empty data even though the user access token had been granted with some pages and IG accounts. Please help check. Tks

已發問 大約 1 年前

We are facing the same issues and it's not consistent. We had a problem with an account a few hours back and it started working suddenly without any changes and other accounts are still facing the same issue.

9月12日 20:11

Having the same problem, could you fix it? Can it be a problem with the version?

6月8日 13:59

Having the same problem. Any users whose page is owned by a business account do not see their page under a me/accounts response, instead we just get a response of: { "data": [] } This has stopped our users being able to connect their facebook page to our application.

This has caused major business disruption.

2月23日 04:56
Backend Channel

same issue

we use v14.

2月25日 23:26

In my case this was the problem.

Limitations It does not return pages that you are connected with through a business. To retrieve pages that you are connected with via businesses, the business_management permission is required

6月20日 23:08

This resolved the issue for me. Thanks !

6月28日 09:55

This also seems to work for me, but makes no sence. Facebook didn't update anyone on this. Current docs: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/instagram-api/getting-started, only mention instagram_basic, pages_show_list

9月12日 11:57

business_management helps me too, thanks!

9月14日 14:04

yes, with business_management is working but, it's also need new verification flow! If I use v16 it's not needed this permission! So I could use login by one version of api and another by 19. It's also weird I need to get access of user Bussiness when I just want to get attached IG accounts to FB pages

2月3日 04:20

Good luck getting approved for this permission too.

2月6日 13:25