comments from?
1 {post_id}/comments? fields=id,from&access_token={access_token} How to obtain data from comments How to obtain the ID, name, and avatar of the author who sent the comment in the comments

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same problem

10月29日 07:04
Eugene Harold

Look, I had the same problem. If you do not clearly label the field in your code's method, your GET request will not be received correctly when passed from the graphic API guideline and will throw an exception error. My solution, which worked for me, is to pass the code through Copilot and ask it to debug the error and explain why the code is giving an error. This way, you can find the incorrectly labeled field in your code's method that is incompatible or incorrect with the graphic API guideline for Meta conversations, webhooks, WhatsApp, etc. Also, make sure to include the META API code from the guideline in your debug with Copilot.

10月29日 09:44