Sebagian Tidak Bisa Diaksesshare-external
How to create direct OPT-in whatsapp?? And How does Meta know which users have opted to receive notifications?

Hello everyone, I hope you are doing well !!!

I've been dealing with these two errors for several days now ({ code: 131026,message:message undeliverable},{ "code": 131049, "title": "This message was not delivered to maintain healthy ecosystem engagement.." })

And these are specifics to marketing templates. I found in the documentation that these can be cause by message limit to the users or the users didn't opt-in to receive notifications from my business.

I found many ways to makes OPT-IN in the documentation but I don't undersand How does Meta know which users have opted to receive template marketing notifications?

Ditanyakan sekitar 2 bulan yang lalu

Hello! i have the same question, documentation isn't clear enough.

27 September pukul 06.44

I'm having exactly the same issue. My website is programmed to send WhatsApp messages to my staff when there's a new task or a new comment to the task and now some of my staff are not receiving due to this healthy ecosystem management error. Facebook completely ignored/forgot that we are also using whatsapp business to our employees. I can't ask my employees to randomly respond to every open conversation every now and then just to be able to receive messages. Please fix this

28 Oktober pukul 18.06