How to unset the default routing app at IG/Messenger Conversation Routing?


I am encountering an issue with the settings for Advanced Messaging, Messenger Conversation Routing, and Instagram Conversation Routing under Settings -> Page Setup of our Facebook business page.

We used to use both an AI app and amoCRM app to process client requests. However, the AI app kept missing some webhooks from Instagram from time to time. The AI app's support recommended setting their app as the default routing app, but this caused only the AI app to receive data, leaving amoCRM unable to send messages. To regain control, I set the amoCRM app as the default routing app. Since then, no matter which app is selected as the default or what permissions are configured, Meta only sends data to the amoCRM app.

The problem is that you cannot unselect the default routing app at Messenger Conversation Routing and Instagram Conversation Routing and leave it empty as it was initially. Facebook provides an option to unselect an app for "Link Routing" and "Handover Protocol," but not for "Default Routing App" at Messenger Conversation Routing and Instagram Conversation Routing

Attempts to resolve this issue included: 1. Adjusting different permissions for the apps. 2. Setting the AI app for Handover Protocol. 3. Setting the AI app at Link Routing and amoCRM as the default routing app, and vice versa. 4. Removing amoCRM integration and integrating with other CRMs (KommoCRM, HubSpot, ZohoCRM, etc). Even when amoCRM is removed, the settings show no default routing app selected, but the new AmoCRM profile, KommoCRM, HubSpot, ZohoCRM don't receive any data which means Meta still routes data to that specific amoCRM profile.

The outcome is always the same: amoCRM receives all data, preventing us from switching CRMs or connecting another app. The only apparent solution is creating a new Facebook and a new Instagram business pages, which is impractical.

This issue seems to be on Meta's side, and only they can fix it. However, Meta's support team claims they can't assist as they only handle advertising support.

Does anyone know how to unselect the default routing app for "Messenger Conversation Routing" and "Instagram Conversation Routing" and leave it empty? How to fix it?

Thank you in advance!

Вопрос задан около 2 мес. назад