I'm getting a rate limit error with code 131049 while I'm still testing the WhatsApp chatbot that sends out my template.

I'm getting this error in my logs when I try to test a template that a WhatsApp chatbot needs to send out:

"code": 131049, "title": "This message was not delivered to maintain healthy ecosystem engagement."

I switched the App from Live mode back to Development as I thought that it might help to remove the rate limitations but I'm still getting the same error. This chatbot is not live yet, surely I should be able to test it on my own number without these rate limits

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I had another look at the app and noticed that I have 0 users throttled in the "User Rate Limit" section. Is this error related to rate limits then?

24 de setembro às 06:46

I have no idea how to convert from development mode to live too, can you please help pieter. I even am facing the same issue, This is how I received the message in my terminal logs, I am still in development mode, I have sent through my website, It is a marketing template., I have looked into the website, but I have no clue how to correct this issue Received data: {'object': 'whatsapp_business_account', 'entry': [{'id': '345678968715861', 'changes': [{'value': {'messaging_product': 'whatsapp', 'metadata': {'display_phone_number': '91XXXXXXXXXX', 'phone_number_id': '123456776543234567'}, 'statuses': [{'id': 'wamid.23456788uytfdfghjki654refghjk==', 'status': 'failed', 'timestamp': '1727332143', 'recipient_id': '91XXXXXXXXXX', 'errors': [{'code': 131049, 'title': 'This message was not delivered to maintain healthy ecosystem engagement.', 'message': 'This message was not delivered to maintain healthy ecosystem engagement.', 'error_data': {'details': 'In order to maintain a healthy ecosystem engagement, the message failed to be delivered.'}, 'href': 'https://developers.facebook.com/docs/whatsapp/cloud-api/support/error-codes/'}]}]}, 'field': 'messages'}]}]}

25 de setembro às 23:50