App is in extended review from 21 june and not yet approved and in extended review not earning any money but my app has traffic also.

My property name is Multi2 and app name "Multi Space" app id 1189646652455490 is in review from 21 th june and still not processed what is the issue it taking longer than usual time in review solve the issue. Business Manager ID in question: 1062746748361903 I contacted facebook live support team more than 6 time but my issue is not resolved in extended review facebook say we can earn upto 25 doller but in my case I have traffic on my app but not earning any money nd my app is stuck in extended review and now meta pro team is unable to solve my issue they say everytime that our internal team is working on the issue but from last 2 weeks I didn't get any single mail from facebook meta team or facebook audience network team.

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7월 9일 오후 10:27