Interruzione parzialeshare-external
Comments on facebook not opning a chat window

Using the api so that when you receive comments you respond to them and send a message to the user, on Instagram it works normally, but on Facebook it doesn't open the 24-hour window even though the documentation says it opens for both Instagram and Facebook, does anyone know why not working or have you ever had this problem?

According tot the docs sould work:

Chiesta circa 5 mesi fa
Risposta selezionata

I found a solution, if anyone needs it, for Facebook, you must send the comment id and not the person's id, as the recipient. Like this:

comment_id: post_id

22 luglio alle ore 10:26
Risposta selezionata

Please be more specific and explain how you start a conversation and how you determine the 24hr window

10 luglio alle ore 06:36

When someone talks to my page I can send them messages without any problems. But when someone comments on a post on my page, I can respond to the post, but I can't send a message on Facebook, I get the error of trying to send a message outside the time frame.

The same thing works on Instagram, but it doesn't work on Facebook. And acoording to the docs it should work

10 luglio alle ore 07:33

Try the docs again then, especially the Limitations part

10 luglio alle ore 07:38

Well, the problem is that the window isn't opening, I tried sending a bunch of different messages, the only thing that worked was sending a message directly to the page and then the window opened and started working fine

10 luglio alle ore 07:44

Like I said, try the docs again, especially the limitations sections regarding the window opening

10 luglio alle ore 07:50

I not sure whats wrong, i tried to send as HUMAN_AGENT tag since i have the advanvced acess and mesage type to MESSAGE_TAG, but its getting the same error.

But still not working, not sure why

10 luglio alle ore 10:08

Okay, one last time: Read the docs section I mentioned.

10 luglio alle ore 10:19